Does renewable energy create employment? An econometric evaluation for Turkey in terms of female and male employment

OnlineFirst published on July 2, 2024

Issue / OnlineFirst

sustainable development, renewable energy, women employment, Toda Yamamoto causality test, Türkiye

Ayça Doğaner1

1 Assoc. Prof., İstanbul Chamber of Commerce, Directorate of Sectoral Committees, İstanbul, Türkiye. E-mail:


Renewable energy is an environmentally friendly, sustainable and clean energy source for future generations. The deployment of renewable energy contributes to reducing greenhouse gases and improving energy security, while also creating employment opportunities. The widespread use of renewable energy is also a key element in the EU energy and climate policy framework. There is an intense debate on measuring the employment impacts of renewable energy. This study analyses the relationship between renewable energy consumption and employment. Using annual data for Turkey for 1990-2020, the stationarity of the series is investigated using conventional unit root tests. After determining whether the series are stationary or not, Toda-Yamamoto causality analysis is performed. According to the results of the analysis, there is a unidirectional relationship between male and female employment and renewable energy use in Turkey. It is determined that a change in renewable energy use will affect both male and female employment, while a change in male and female employment will not affect renewable energy use. According to the results of the analysis, renewable energy creates employment.


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