Turkey’s Energy Security Policy within the Framework of Development Plans

Issue / OnlineFirst
Issue 1/1

Year / Vol / Number
2024 / 1 / 1

energy security, Turkey’s energy policy, development plan, planning policy, government policy

Nuri Gökhan Toprak1

1 Assoc. Prof.., Kırklareli University, Department of International Relations, Kırklareli, Türkiye. E-mail: nuri.toprak@klu.edu.tr


Since 1963, Turkey has adopted and attempted to implement a total of twelve different development plans. These plans include chapters on how Turkey’s energy security will be ensured in the relevant periods. The subject of this study is how Turkey has dealt with energy security within the framework of development plans for more than 60 years after its first adoption and how the change in the understanding of energy security has taken place within this historical context. To this end, the study will commence with a conceptual evaluation of the development plans and energy security. Thereafter, the arguments pertaining to energy in the development plans adopted by Turkey will be presented, and the transformation of Turkey’s energy security will be comprehended in comparison with international trends in the field of energy security.


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