Citizen Engagement in the Sustainable Energy Transition: Energy Citizenship

Merve Güntürkün1 , Adem Başpınar2

1 Undergraduate Student, Kırklareli University, Department of Sociology, Kırklareli, Türkiye. E-mail:

2 Assoc. Prof., Kırklareli University, Department of Sociology, Kırklareli, Türkiye. E-mail:


This article discusses the concept of energy citizenship and its importance in the transition to sustainable and equitable energy systems. Energy citizenship refers to the active participation of individuals and communities in energy-related practices and decision-making processes, going beyond the traditional role of passive energy consumers. The article highlights the need to empower citizens to become proactive stakeholders in the energy system and emphasizes the role of energy citizenship in promoting participation, responsibility and equity in energy practices and policies. It also discusses the lack of literature on energy citizenship in the Turkish context and the importance of understanding energy citizenship in this specific context. The article aims to fill this gap and provide a comprehensive introduction to energy citizenship for those working on energy issues in Turkey. It highlights the importance of citizen participation in energy decision-making processes, access to and control over energy resources, and the responsibilities and duties of energy citizens. The article also presents examples of good practices and initiatives that promote energy citizenship, such as community energy projects and citizen-led renewable energy initiatives. It discusses the barriers to energy citizenship and participation, including limited access to information, financial constraints, regulatory barriers, and cultural norms. Overall, the article provides a comprehensive definition of energy citizenship, highlighting its key characteristics, its role in sustainable energy transitions, and the need for inclusive and participatory approaches to energy governance.


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