Notes for Authors

Manuscript Submission

Contributors submitting their work to the ………………………….. (…………..) should be informed that articles should include the following:

  • Quantitative, qualitative, or mixed research methods.
  • Comprehensive literature reviews, meta-analysis, or meta-synthesis.
  • Model proposals, clinical experimental research model, or original writings of similar quality.

Editorial and Review Process

…………. gives priority to current studies using advanced research, statistical methods, and techniques. ………………’s main criteria for publication are original contribution to the field and competency in methodology.

Manuscripts are first assessed by the Editorial Board for purpose, topic, content, presentation style, and mechanics of writing. During this preliminary assessment, the Editorial Board guidelines are as follows:

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research based on a single variable or that mainly analyzes frequency, percentage, difference, and correlational statistics usually undergoes a preliminary assessment according to its contents. Quantitative research including multiple regressions, path and cluster analysis, or other advanced research and statistical methods is given priority.

Studies Developing a Measurement Tool

The authenticity, scope, quality of the group worked on, and efficiency of the reliability and validity of studies are taken into consideration to decide whether the measurement tool can be published independently. The Editorial Board encourages contributors to send their manuscripts if the developed measurement tool is used in a study in which the findings are reported.

Experimental Research

Findings must be supported, detailed, and further elaborated on with qualitative data.

Qualitative Research

Reliability and validity studies and in-depth analysis of the data are of utmost importance.

For Descriptive Studies

……………. aims to publish analytical studies identifying and proposing solutions to key issues related to …………………………… However, such studies should not resemble a book chapter based only on a literature review.

Mixed Research Designs

Such studies have a higher likelihood of being published. Mixed research design studies should justify why and how the author adopted the research design used. Qualitative and quantitative sections are analyzed separately and are expected to meet the criteria described above.

Please Note

  • The Editors emphasize that …………… articles should not include studies based on very frequently used measurement tools or on research topics that have been overly examined, unless they propose an innovative approach to the topic in question.
  • Manuscripts based on thesis-related research should include all data used in the thesis. ………….. does not publish any article including unethical practices such as sliding.
  • ………………. believes that the data collection process for original research should have been done in the last 5 years.

Editorial and Review Process

  • Manuscripts are assigned a reference code and recorded in SchlolarOne Manuscript.
  • After the submission, authors are sent a confirmation of receipt by email.
  • Manuscripts are evaluated by the Editorial Board following the submission.
  • Manuscripts that meet the criteria for ……………. proceed to the next stage, which is reviewer evaluation.
  • Manuscripts that do not meet the ……………. criteria are notified of the decision with relevant justification for rejection.
  • Receipt of manuscripts and Editorial Board decisions may take approximately 40 days.
  • Manuscripts are sent to two reviewers in the relevant field.
  • If the reviewers differ in opinion about the quality of your work, the paper will be referred to a third reviewer.
  • The Editorial Board and referee reviews take approximately 4–6 months to complete. This time may be extended depending on the availability of referees in your subdiscipline.
  • Reviewer reports are kept confidential. ……………….. adopts a double-blind peer-review evaluating process.
  • Authors must be attentive to the criticisms, suggestions, and corrections of the referees and the Editorial Board. In case of disagreement with the reports, authors must explain why they do not agree with the points made by the reviewers.
  • For more details of the review process, visit the Notes for Reviewers page.
  • There are three possible results for a manuscript:
    • Acceptance with minor or major revisions
    • Reject and Resubmit process
    • Rejection

Manuscripts go through the following stages once accepted for publication:

  • Reviewer reports and Editorial Board reports are sent to the author.
  • Authors revise their manuscripts according to the reports, and the Editorial Board reviews the revised manuscripts before they advance to the proofreading stage.
  • Proofreading notes are sent to the authors.
  • When proofreading is complete, manuscripts advance to the formatting and pagination stage.
  • Following the pagination process, authors are asked to conduct a final check of their manuscripts.
  • After completion of these processes, manuscripts are initially published on OnlineFirst. As each article is assigned a DOI, this version could be treated as the authentic version.
  • Printing of the manuscript in the journal may take approximately 5–6 months, depending on the workload involved in the journal.
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